Forbe Hodu Ngangnchi is a Senior Lecturer of Economics and Management Sciences in The University of Bamenda. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree in Resource and Environmental Economics from the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences of The University of Bamenda, Cameroon. Prior to his recruitment by the government in 2019 in the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Higher Institute of Commerce and Management (HICM) of The University of Bamenda, he was the Registrar of the Higher Institute of Management Studies, HIMS Buea where he taught a wide range of business management and economics courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
He has worked as assistant lecturer with the National Polytechnic Institute Bambui, Pan African Institute for Development, the University of Buea (as GTA), and many other private institutions of learning in Cameroon. He also has a wide range of corporate/industrial experiences gathered through working with international NGOs in the areas of environment and community development, project management and general administration and finance. He was the pioneer General Manager of Silverback Company Ltd, the Acting Manager of the Biodiversity Community Trust Fund (category I microfinance institution), Head of Business Division at ERuDeF Cameroon, Project Manager for the Lebialem Palm Oil Development Project, and many others.
He is an Examiner for the Higher National Diploma (HND) Examination organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Cameroon and the General Certificate of Education (GCE) Examination in Project Management and Economics respectively. Furthermore, Forbe Hodu is a co-founder of Entrepreneurship and Social Research Center (ESRC) Cameroon, a nonprofit research organization with focus on empowering young people to develop entrepreneurship. He is also a co-founder and Board Chair of Ecological Recycling Association of Cameroon, ECORAM with head office in Buea, an organization championing the recycling of plastic and domestic waste into useful economic values.
In terms of scientific contribution, Forbe Hodu has published 25 scientific papers in peer review national and international journals, attended a host of national and international conferences as well as a comprehensive textbook in Economics which was approved by the National Book Commission in 2018 for use in junior secondary schools in Cameroon from the 2018/2019 to the 2022/2023 Academic Years. He is a business and development consultant with national and international organisations. Dr. Forbe Hodu is current the Head of Department of Organisational Sciences, Higher Institute of Commerce and Management of The University of Bamenda and an Academic Adviser to the Higher Institute of Management Studies, a private university institute based in Buea.
He is a member of The University of Bamenda Senate, Faculty representative of the National Union of Teachers of Higher Education (NUTHE)-Bamenda Chapter. He is also a reviewer with the following scientific peer review journals: African Journal of Social Sciences, Journal of Resource and Environmental Management, Review of Economics and Management Sciences.
He has research attention focused on management decision making in general and Environmental and Resource Management, Political Economy, Development Economics, and applied Microeconomics in particular.